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The Hidden Costs of Measure V
Expenses related to Measure V have now totaled $236,143.04. Spearheaded by the CEO’s Office, none of these expenses ever came before the Board or the Auditor. When questioned about how the costs were expensed, Ms. Wills explained they were in the catch-all category commingled with many other costs in that category. There was no way the Auditor would have known about a special project.
Independence Day 2023 in Grass Valley: the Parade in Photos
Residents of and visitors to Grass Valley, California attended the 2023 Independence Day parade through historic downtown Grass Valley.
Teach Teachers
Dwight L. Moody, renowned American preacher and evangelist of the 19th century, said if he were to live life over he would fully direct his energy to reaching children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Poster Boy for White Privilege
Hunter Biden is gifted a plea deal on a golden tray to keep him out of jail... do all Americans enjoy the same privilege? Clean up on aisle Biden!
AB 969 is in Direct Conflict with the California Constitution
AB 969 was heard in the Senate Governance and Finance Committee on June 28, 2023.
Why Do We Leave Our Kids in Failing Schools?
There are serious institutional barriers in state law that keep our children in schools that may not fully meet their needs despite the best intentions and interventions by school administrators and teachers.
The Good Life and Happiness
I thought it timely to consider what the status of abundance and happiness is and where it can be found.
What’s at Stake?
At the Cross, in powerful symbolism, God the Father lays claim to the world, establishing God’s right of possession.
Nevada Joint Union High School District Enacts Snitch Policy
“…the new policy urges a student or staff member who unintentionally says anything that another student deems to be hurtful or offensive be reported to his or her school officials as perpetrating harassment or discrimination.”
Rise Gold Details Planning Commissioner Terence McAteer’s Possible Ethical and Legal Abuses
“We have evidence that certain parties have conspired to co-opt public agencies to pressure the Board of Supervisors […] to vote to deny the Project at the future Board hearing,” wrote Ben Mossman.
Finding Faith in Elections: “Audit Logs are the Light”
In this discussion, Amy walked me through the life cycle of an election ballot as it goes through the elections office to be counted.
Nevada County CEO’s Office Contracted with Political Marketing Firm to Create Measure V Campaign Without BOS Approval
The Board of Supervisors (“BOS”) retroactively approved a contract with political consultants, Lew Edwards Group, in order to provide campaign services to the county chief executive officer’s office with taxpayer dollars.
Friar Tuck’s Celebrates 50 Years in Nevada City
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Friar Tuck’s!
Founding Fathers’ Fear of Tyranny of Majority and Mob Rule
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them.”
California Legislature Moves to Make Hand Counting Ballots Impossible
The California Legislature and Secretary seek to stop counties from ditching voting machines by a sleight of hand.