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Nevada County: 2024 in Review
In 2024, Nevada County, California, experienced several significant events that shaped the community and garnered attention.
Sierra College Forum with Police Chiefs
Sierra College hosted a community forum on May 24 featuring two local police chiefs, Dan Foss, Chief of Nevada City PD, and Alex Gammelgard, Chief of Grass Valley PD.
Local Measure B Forum
Local residents gathered to hear from a panel of local leaders about Measure B, a citywide sales tax initiative which will appear on the March 5th primary ballot for residents of the City of Grass Valley.
Drum Circle Scheduling Conflict
Where is everyone? I guess there was a drum circle scheduling conflict!
Measure B: Grass Valley Sales Tax Increase on the Ballot
In March, residents of the City of Grass Valley will see Measure B on their ballots, which proposes a sales tax increase.
18th Annual Michael Edward Bratton II Turkey Trot
Barry Pruett interviewed Mike Bratton about the upcoming Michael Edward Bratton II Turkey Trot.
A Recent History of Sales Tax in the City of Grass Valley (2013-2023)
The City of Grass Valley, California is contemplating placing a measure on the March 2024 ballot that would raise the sales tax rate for businesses, consumers, and residents of Grass Valley to 8.875%.
Grass Valley Hosts Town Hall Regarding Proposed Sales Tax Measure
Grass Valley City Manager presented the proposed general sales tax measure as a half-percent sales tax within the City limits which he said would fund fire resiliency and vegetation management. The proposed sales tax, if sent to the voters as a measure on the ballot in March 2024 by the city council, would generate about $3.4 million dollars for the City’s general fund per year.
Yes, Local Government Does Have Favorites
If you want to get promoted heavily on government-run social media channels, you have to be a government official.
Community Wildfire Discussion Focused Mostly on Taxes and Neighbors
The Grass Valley City Council held a special meeting for the public to voice concerns and ideas related to wildfire risk.
Independence Day 2023 in Grass Valley: the Parade in Photos
Residents of and visitors to Grass Valley, California attended the 2023 Independence Day parade through historic downtown Grass Valley.
Lyman Gilmore: Aviation Legend?
Our childhood history books taught us that Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the first powered airplane and conducted the first powered flight, but many local residents of Grass Valley, California, respectfully beg to differ. Local legend has it that Lyman Gilmore made the first powered flight from his Gilmore Airdrome in Grass Valley, California. Is it true?
Nevada County Cops Install Orwellian Spy Network and Nobody Notices
The system tracks all cars, all the time, regardless if they are of interest to the police with high-definition quality photos that even capture occupants and political stickers. These cameras are also publicly available and are utilized by civilians too, like neighborhood watches and tow trucks.
Grass Valley Target Turning Heads
Lots of cars parked in that Grass Valley Target parking lot…