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Let Them Eat Cake! - A Review of Nevada County Executive Staff Pay
A 42% payroll expense in one year with big percentage raises each year is unsustainable, especially in light of the downturn in state funding. Given the outrageously high salaries of senior executive staff and elected officials, the tax-paying public is questioning the rationale of the Nevada County CEO Alison Lehman.
Nevada County Auditor-Controller, Gina Will’s Threat of a Lawsuit: Doesn’t Add Up
“Gina Will should return the public’s money of $50,000 and resign.'“
The Use of Public Resources for Campaign Activity or Personal Purposes
I was astonished to learn that our CEO, Alison Lehman, and County Counsel, Kit Elliot, took it upon themselves to transfer $50,000 of public resources to Gina Will’s Campaign Committee, thus circumventing public Board of Supervisor approval and public comment. Since I believe the transfer of funds was potentially illegal, I penned the following letter to our District Attorney’s office.